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Kaspersky keys [2015.03 сар]

Kaspersky 11, 12, 13 болон Pure хэрэглэдэг хүмүүст зориулаад 2015 оны 03 сард шинэчлэл хийгдсэн цоо шинэ түлхүүрүүдийг хүргэж байна. 




kaspersky in 2013:
1. Open Kaspersky 2011 License Manager (from lower right corner).
2. Click 'Activate the application with a new license' button. (Delete any trial or old key first, by clicking the red X next to the key).
3. Disable your internet connection.
4. Select 'Activate commercial version' and enter the activation license code as 22222-22222-22222-2222U
5. Wait activation wizard message-Click OK.
6. Wait for wrong activation code message-Click OK.
7. Screen will appear with key file browse.
7. Browse to the key location and activate kaspersky.
8. Re-Enable your internet connection wait till fully connect to the internet and hit enter or ok.
9. Update virus definitions once / twice in a week to avoid key block
10.Enjoy your Kaspersky Activation.

kaspersky 2012:
1. Download and Install Kaspersky 2012
2. Turn off / Unplug / Disconnect your internet connection
3. Click "Manage License" From Right Bottom of Kaspersky, Then click "Activate the application"
5. Click on Next
6. In the next window, click on Browse
7. Specify the path to any key (file) from the Keys folder
8. Click on Next
9. After activation switch on the internet
10. Update virus definitions once / twice in a week to avoid key block
kaspersky in 2011:
1. Open Kaspersky 2011 License Manager (from lower right corner).
2. Click 'Activate the application with a new license' button. (Delete any trial key first, by clicking the red X next to the key).
3. Select 'Activate commercial version' and enter the activation license code as 11111-11111-11111-1111X
4. Wait activation wizard message-> Click OK
5. Wait for wrong activation code message-> Click OK->
6. Screen will appear with KEY FILE BROWSE
7. Browse to the key location and activate kaspersky.



Монгол шэйр ---> ТАТАХ / DOWNLOAD <--- TimeShare

Гадаад шэйр ---> ТАТАХ / DOWNLOAD <--- Mediafire

Kaspersky keys 2015.03 сар 
4511 2015-03-07
Уучлаарай, зөвхөн бүртгэлтэй хэрэглэгч сэтгэгдэл бичих эрхтэй

Сошиал сүлжээ ашиглан нэвтрэх
Tseku Tseku2015-08-10

Админаа kaspersky, eset nod32 ын цоо шинэ key оруулж өгөөч biggrin pls